viernes, 5 de marzo de 2010

Una noticia, cuando menos interesante...

En medscape tenéis acceso a esta noticia detallada, de la que os dejo el párrafo introductorio. Algo a tener en cuenta, cuando menos...
Un saludo
Juan Manuel

Patients with herpes zoster ophthalmicus (HZO) appear to have an increased risk of developing stroke, according to new research appearing online in the March 3 issue of Neurology.

In a large, population-based study conducted in Taiwan, investigators from Taipei Medical University and National Yang-Ming University in Taipei, Taiwan, found that HZO patients had more than a 4-fold higher risk of having a stroke within 1 year than a matched cohort of controls.

The rate of stroke development was similar between patients who had received systemic antiviral treatment and those who had not.

"Shingles may represent a marker for increased risk of stroke," senior investigator Jau-Der Ho, MD, PhD, said in a statement from the American Academy of Neurology.

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